K.Holtz Fiberglass Cello Bow

Item: #VC2F10
Item: #VC2F101
Item: #VC2F102
Item: #VC2F104
Item: #VC2F105
Item: #VC2F105A

K.Holtz FG bows are designed with beginning players specific needs and budgets in mind. These strong, well-balanced, attractive bows produce a smooth, clear sound without a lot of physical effort from the player. Ebony frog and real horse hair.

Size Length (cm) Length (inches)
1/10 52 12-1/2”

We no longer offer the trade-in of used bows toward new bows.

$ 89.00
$ 89.00
$ 89.00
$ 89.00
$ 89.00
$ 89.00